First Full Length Album "Apocalypse Disco"

Songs by Jen Scott

Drums by Josh Kaplan

Production by Matt Patrick at the Library

Photos by Adam Iverson

Available on Spotify, Apple Music, SoundCloud

Photos by Jim Robinson, Mary Jo Pehl, Vaughn Foster, and Melody Hoffman. 

Penny and the Bandits is a Twin Cities-based music grouping, put together by Jen Scott


There's A Crack in Everything returns!!Featuring musicians, comedians, and storytellers from around the Twin Cities.Hosted and curated by Jen of Penny and the Bandits. Saturdays January 18th, February 15th, and March 15th7 p.m. ShowsResource, 512 East 24th Street, Minneapolis, MN, 55404

I'll be at the Cabaret Open Gym, hosted by the amazing Leslie Vincent!Monday January 13th7 p.m. ShowHive Collaborative, 677 Hamline Ave North, St. Paul, MN 55104
